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Schuyler Erle, age 16 months, 1979

Schuyler Erle, just 'breeched' at not quite 4 years old. 1980

Theodore Murray at the Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation, 1985

Sharon and Bob at the Tri-Centennial Ball of Thornbury Township PA. Sharon, in her robe battante, is 8 months pregnant! 1987

Mother and Child 1988

Hollie-point and hemstitch on a baby cap.

My daughter, aged 8 months, at the Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation 1988. Her silver coral and bells was made by Paul Schoenwetter.

My daughter, aged 17 months, in pudding and pinner apron, 1989

Father and daughter

Sharon and Bob on their tenth wedding anniversary 1995.

My daughter in her riding habit, 1996.

My daughter and her best friend, dressed for their first Ball. January 2001

Bob Murray at Hartwell Tavern, 2002

My daughter, Fall of 2005, in a c. 1720 "wrapper" gown of blue worsted, with blue and white calico facings. Shown here as worn in a production of "The Crucible", it is looped up behind to simulate a 1692 mantua.

My daughter, in Act II of "The Crucible", after three months in gaol (same gown!).

Sharon in 1770's widow's "second mourning."

"The Merry Widow", Deerfield 2008

Sudbury Ball, 2009

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